Mata Nui Inc. | Plast!
Welcome to the Mata Nui Incorporated and Plast! Productions forums. We're two organizations composed of enthusiastic teenagers who want to entertain others. We all want to do stuff, whether it is making websites, creating publications, performing experimentations, and philosophize. Our current focus is to provide fun content for LEGO fans, while reviving interest in the BIONICLE fanbase as well. Here's a few links to get you to know us better:

Mata Nui Inc and Plast! -- Who are we and what we do

All our available content and publications can be found on KanohiJournal Publications ( More links on our specific projects can be found in the menu bar or the link that was provided above.

If you are looking to apply as a potential member, please contact us on or You can as well join the forums and contact one of the administrators for a job application.

Thank you,

The Administration
Mata Nui Inc. | Plast!
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A meeting was held on Saturday March 24, at approximately 10:00 PM EST. The highlights of the meeting have been posted at the aforementioned link. If you have time, please review the meeting highlights.
We need judges for Lesovikk's Hiatus, which has now returned as a fanon contest. Apply here!
Get cracking quickly for now Altum Bellum chapters can be claimed right here.
The Grand Creation serial, part of the Ancient Chronicle saga has been completed. Shortly the serial will be uploaded to KJP -- a big thank you to all the contributors!
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Welcome to Chronicles

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1Welcome to Chronicles Empty Welcome to Chronicles 29th August 2010, 6:03 am



Plast! Executive Chairman

Plast! Executive Chairman

Welcome, MNI staff, to the Chronicles project! In brief, Chronicles is an information media project, where we write books, convert existing works into ebook-format, index official comics and draw our own canon-based ones.

Chronicles is a canon project, but in a slightly strange sense. Pretty much everything we do is canon-based, which means the events and details are canon, but not the actual writing itself. Strictly you can call it "semi-canon", but since the writings are just a prettified version of the canonized events and details, it's pretty much canon.

With Mata Nui Inc. now a part of Plast! Productions, the short stories of the BIONICLE: Untold project will no longer go ahead. However, you now have the opportunity to do even more of what you could do before, and that is writing canon things instead of non-canon things, along with some of the existing MNI/B:U projects which you have sure grown attached to.

In this forum, there are currently two sub-forums. These are for the two main publication projects we're working on. If you initially signed up as an author/writer for the B:U short stories, you can join the work team of either or both publications. Just post in this topic saying you're interested (and what parts you're interested in) and you're set to go!

If you are an artist, please check the KANOHI.novus Comics sub-forum.

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