Observe as a lone MNI/PP member rises from his long hibernation. He looks around the forum, blinking tired eyes. Everything is quiet. The remaining members of his species continue their slumbers; their hibernation sometimes lasts a school year, sometimes much longer, but they all know it is not time to wake yet.
The lone member stands on a crest above the cave in which his species lay sleeping. The sun is rising, but this member senses something different. Though you and I may rely on calendars to tell time, these MNI / PP members have the passage of the year engrained in their insticts. Thus, this member notices the sun's rising is exactly the same as it was approximately three hundred sixty five days ago.
There is another instinct connected to this member's sense of time. He follows it now, tracing through the forums till he reaches Mata Nui Inc. Discussion. There, he types out a topic, relying on primal urges passed down through generations to construct a message:
Happy New Year's from Mata Nui Inc. and Plast! Productions!
His job done, he returns to the cave and slumbers. He does not know when he will again awaken. Neither do we. Studies are still continuing on the ###### species of MNI/PP members, but for now, they remain a mystery. A slumbering, snoring mystery.
The lone member stands on a crest above the cave in which his species lay sleeping. The sun is rising, but this member senses something different. Though you and I may rely on calendars to tell time, these MNI / PP members have the passage of the year engrained in their insticts. Thus, this member notices the sun's rising is exactly the same as it was approximately three hundred sixty five days ago.
There is another instinct connected to this member's sense of time. He follows it now, tracing through the forums till he reaches Mata Nui Inc. Discussion. There, he types out a topic, relying on primal urges passed down through generations to construct a message:
Happy New Year's from Mata Nui Inc. and Plast! Productions!
His job done, he returns to the cave and slumbers. He does not know when he will again awaken. Neither do we. Studies are still continuing on the ###### species of MNI/PP members, but for now, they remain a mystery. A slumbering, snoring mystery.